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2025 Winter/Spring Classes

  • 02/12 to 03/19  3:30pm-4:30pm $0/ Location: 16100 NW Cornell Road Suite 290 Hall

    This is the 2024-2025 MOEMS Math Olympiad Contests for Middle school division - WVA students only.

    Sunshine is hosting the 2024-2025 year of Math Olympiad Contests for middle school division in-person at Willamette Valley Academy (WVA) with the following schedule:

    Contest #1 #2: February 12, 2025, Wednesday 3:30-4:30pm

    Contest #3 #4: February 12/13, 2025, Wednesday/Thursday mathcounts I/II in class

    Contest #5: March 19, 2025, Wednesday 3:30-4pm

    The test will be monitored at WVA classrooms. Students should be come in the classroom no later than 3:15pm and the test will start at 3:30pm. The final awards for participants will be amounced in Jun, 2025.

    Math Olympiad (MOEMS) promotes problem-solving. It has two levels: Elementary Division for Grade 4-6 and Middle School Division for Grade 6-8. It includes 5 contests for each year over 5 months from November to March. The goals of Math Olympiad contests are:

    • To stimulate enthusiasm and a love for Mathematics
    • To introduce important Mathematical concepts
    • To teach major strategies for problem-solving
    • To develop Mathematical flexibility in solving problems
    • To foster Mathematical creativity and ingenuity
    • To provide for the satisfaction, joy, and thrill of meeting challenges

    Last year nearly 170,000 students from about 6,000 teams on 6 continents participated in the Olympiads. All 50 states and 39 other countries were represented.

    Here are the awards for participants:

    Instructor: Peng Lin

  •  (waiting-list)

    02/12 to 02/12  1 Contest Wednesday 4:30pm-6:00pm $75/exam Location: 15320 NW Central Dr. Ste D6 Room 2

    Sunshine Elite is hosting the F=MA exam for high school students this year! Any students who have learned AP Physics may try out the F=MA exam.

    AAPT and the American Institute of Physics (AIP) sponsor a competition each year for high school students to represent the United States at the International Physics Olympiad Competition

    The mission of the U.S. Physics Team Program is to promote and demonstrate academic excellence through preparation for and participation in the International Physics Olympiad.

    The Pathway to International Physics Olympiad Team is:
    F=ma for any motivated high school students =>
    Top 400 students  are invited for USAPhO =>
    Top 20 students are selected to U.S. Physics Team =>
    Top 5 students are selected to represent the team at IPhO

    Below are more details for the several round of exams:

    1. The F=ma exam is a 75-minute exam with 25 multiple choice questions focusing on mechanics. Two versions of the exam are given, the F=ma A and F=ma B.
    2. Approximately 400 students will be invited to take the USA Physics Team (USAPhO) exam, based on their scores on the F=ma exam. The USAPhO is a 3-hour free response exam where students are required to justify their answers. The exam is divided into two parts of 90 minutes each.
    3. Approximately 20 students will be invited to be a part of the U.S. Physics Team, based on their USAPhO and F=ma scores, and attend a ten-day training camp at the University of Maryland. At the end of the camp, five students will be selected to represent the team at the International Physics Olympiad.
    4. Students must be either U.S. Citizens, U.S. Permanent Residents (Green Card holders), or currently attending a U.S. school, to take the F-ma exam.
    5. Students must be either U.S. Citizens, or U.S. Permanent Residents (Green Card holders) to take the USAPhO exam. Students must also be located in the U.S. to take the USAPhO exam.

    To check the F=MA exam rules, please check here: 

    Instructor: Sasi Manipatruni;  Ellen Zhou

  • 02/06 to 02/06  1 Contest 10:15am-1:30pm $35/exam Location: 16100 NW Cornell Road Suite 210 Room 8

    2025 AIME I Contest schedule on Feb 6, 2025 Thursday at 10:15am -1:30pm PT time

    The AIME I test will be hold in the following location: 16100 NW Cornell Rd Suite 210, Beaverton, OR 97006

    AIME test is 3 hours long. The test has to be taken between 10:30am to 2:30pm PT time. So we will try to have all students start the contest at 10:30am, and finish it at 1:30pm. 

    Below are more rules and details for AIME test:

    • Participants must take the AIME at the same location where they took the AMC 10 or AMC 12.
    • The test must be proctored by the competition manager.
    • Students will complete a series of competition steps which include sections, such as rules and regulations, the Competition page (featuring a timer), a post-competition integrity form, and final submission page.
    • The competition manager must not answer any questions about the competition and should ensure that no participant has the opportunity to communicate by any means to any other person while the competition is in progress.
    • If there is an urgent need to use the bathroom, all materials should remain with the proctor. No other breaks are permitted.
    • Obtain a supply of #2 pencils and unmarked scratch paper. No aids are permitted other than scratch paper, graph paper, rulers, protractors, and erasers. Calculators and electronic devices of any kind are not allowed. 

    Note: Please be on time. Students who come in 15 minutes later will not be accepted to the exam.

    Instructor: Manny Norse;  Peng Lin

  • 10/28 to 04/20  2 Contest Saturday 9:00am-8:00pm $100/Annual Team Fee Oregon Math Circle ARML team meeting is hosting once a month on Saturdays

    We are sponsoring the Oregon Math Circle ARML team meetings, which take place once a month on Saturdays from October to March. The Annual Oregon Math Circle ARML teams' local competition will be hosted in April.

    The 2025 National ARML Competition will be held in May 2025. We anticipate opening registration in March 2025, with a registration deadline in late of April.

    The American Regions Mathematics League (ARML), is an annual, national high school mathematics team competition held simultaneously at four locations in the United States: the University of IowaPenn StateUniversity of Nevada, Reno, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville.[1] Past sites have included San Jose State UniversityRutgers UniversityUNLVDuke University, and University of Georgia.

    Teams consist of 15 members, which usually represent a large geographic region (such as a state) or a large population center (such as a major city). Some schools also field teams. The competition is held in June, on the first Saturday after Memorial Day.

    In 2022, 120 teams competed with about 1800 students.[2]

    ARML problems cover a wide variety of mathematical topics including algebrageometrynumber theorycombinatoricsprobability, and inequalitiesCalculus is not required to successfully complete any problem, but it may facilitate solving the problem more quickly or efficiently. While part of the competition is short-answer based, there is a cooperative team round, and a proof-based power question (also completed as a team). ARML problems are harder than most high school mathematics competitions.

    Instructor: Shreyan Paliwal;  Anay Aggarwal;  Manny Norse

  • 01/24 to 01/28  1 Contest 5:15pm-6:15pm $35/exam non refundableLocation: 16100 NW Cornell Road Suite 210 Room 8

    IMPORTANT NOTE: This exam is required to be proctored in-person in the classrooms. Please join the meeting on time. The test will be canceled for any one who comes in the classroom 15 minutes late.

    The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) 8 is a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple choice examination in secondary school mathematics containing problems which can be understood and solved with algebra and geometry concepts. It is held in November and for students in grade 8 or below and under 14.5 years of age on the day of the competition.

    It covers many advanced math subjects and requires critical thinking to be able to answer questions in an accurate and timely manner so all questions can be answered in the allotted time.

    Contest schedule at the day:

    5:15pm-5:35pm Arrive and prepare for the test

    Have students pre-fill all names and demographic information on their answer sheets prior to the competition. Students must use their full legal name, no nicknames or abbreviations. They should pay careful attention to marking their name and address accurately. 

    The test will be paper-based so please take 2/HB pencils with you. You have to stay with the e-test page all the test. No other aids are permitted other than unmarked scratch paper, graph paper, rulers, protractors, and erasers. Calculators and other electronic devices of any kind are not allowed. The AMC 8 questions do not require the use of a calculator.

    5:35pm-6:15pm Test time

    • Students are seated separated by an empty space, if possible.
    • Talking or asking questions during the competition is not allowed. Students must do their own work.
    • The announcement to the students will be made when there are 10 minutes left and again when there are 2 minutes left.
    • When time is up after 40 minutes, Students have to stop and submit their test without any delay.
    • The competition and solutions may not be discussed with anyone outside of the room either orally or digitally (e.g. email, online, and social media of any type) until 24 hours have passed from the official competition dates. The competition booklets will be sent to students by email 24 hours after the competition period is over.

    Note: Please be on time. Students who come in 10 minutes later will not be accepted to the exam.


    Instructor: Manny Norse;  Peng Lin;  Connor Nelson

  • 01/24 to 01/24  1 Contest 5:15pm-6:15pm $0/exam non refundableLocation: 16100 NW Cornell Road Suite 210 Room 4

    IMPORTANT NOTE: This exam is required to be proctored in-person in the classrooms. Please join the meeting on time. The test will be canceled for any one who comes in the classroom 15 minutes late.

    The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) 8 is a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple choice examination in secondary school mathematics containing problems which can be understood and solved with algebra and geometry concepts. It is held in November and for students in grade 8 or below and under 14.5 years of age on the day of the competition.

    It covers many advanced math subjects and requires critical thinking to be able to answer questions in an accurate and timely manner so all questions can be answered in the allotted time.

    Contest schedule at the day:

    5:15pm-5:35pm Arrive and prepare for the test

    Have students pre-fill all names and demographic information on their answer sheets prior to the competition. Students must use their full legal name, no nicknames or abbreviations. They should pay careful attention to marking their name and address accurately. 

    The test will be paper-based so please take 2/HB pencils with you. You have to stay with the e-test page all the test. No other aids are permitted other than unmarked scratch paper, graph paper, rulers, protractors, and erasers. Calculators and other electronic devices of any kind are not allowed. The AMC 8 questions do not require the use of a calculator.

    5:35pm-6:15pm Test time

    • Students are seated separated by an empty space, if possible.
    • Talking or asking questions during the competition is not allowed. Students must do their own work.
    • The announcement to the students will be made when there are 10 minutes left and again when there are 2 minutes left.
    • When time is up after 40 minutes, Students have to stop and submit their test without any delay.
    • The competition and solutions may not be discussed with anyone outside of the room either orally or digitally (e.g. email, online, and social media of any type) until 24 hours have passed from the official competition dates. The competition booklets will be sent to students by email 24 hours after the competition period is over.

    Note: Please be on time. Students who come in 10 minutes later will not be accepted to the exam.


    Instructor: Manny Norse;  Peng Lin;  Connor Nelson

  • 11/22 to 03/28  5 MOEMS Division E Contests Friday 5:05pm-5:45pm $50/5 tests  in the year of 2024-2025; Test dates are Fridays on Nov 22, Jan 10, Jan 31, Feb 21, Mar 21Location: Online13

    This is the 2024-2025 MOEMS Math Olympiad Contests for Elementary Division (Grade 4-6). 

    Sunshine is hosting the 2024-2025 year of Math Olympiad Contests for elementary school division in-person at 16100 NW Cornell Rd Ste 210, Beaverton, OR 97006 with the following schedule:

    Contest #1: November 22, 2024, Friday 5:05-5:45pm

    Contest #2: January 10, 2025, Friday 5:05-5:45pm

    Contest #3: January 31, 2025, Friday 5:05-5:45pm

    Contest #4: February 21, 2025, Friday 5:05-5:45pm

    Contest #5: March 21, 2025 Friday 5:05-5:45pm

    The test will be monitored at Sunshine Elite classrooms. Students should be come in the classroom no later than 5:05pm and the test will start at 5:15pm. The final awards for participants will be amounced in May, 2024.

    Math Olympiad (MOEMS) promotes problem-solving. It has two levels: Elementary Division for Grade 4-6 and Middle School Division for Grade 6-8. It includes 5 contests for each year over 5 months from November to March. The goals of Math Olympiad contests are:

    • To stimulate enthusiasm and a love for Mathematics
    • To introduce important Mathematical concepts
    • To teach major strategies for problem-solving
    • To develop Mathematical flexibility in solving problems
    • To foster Mathematical creativity and ingenuity
    • To provide for the satisfaction, joy, and thrill of meeting challenges

    Last year nearly 170,000 students from about 6,000 teams on 6 continents participated in the Olympiads. All 50 states and 39 other countries were represented.

    Here are the awards for participants:

    Instructor: Shilpa Sharma;  Peng Lin

  • 03/20 to 03/20  1 MK Thursday 5:05pm-6:30pm $10/contest In-person only; You may access the invitation code from the Class Page in your Sunshine account after register. Please use the invitation cold to sign up the test via Math kangaroo website.Location: 16100 NW Cornell Road Suite 210 Room 4

    Math Kangaroo is a great way to introduce elementary school students to the world of competitive math. It is an interactive, prize-based competition consisting of puzzles and logic-type problems. Math Kangaroo is open to students in grades 1 - 12; the competition offers 24 problems to be solved within 75 minutes for grades 1-5 and 30 questions for students in grades 5 and up. 

    Sunshine is hosting the Math Kangaroo contest on March 20. You will get the inviation code on the class page once you sign up for this contest.

    Instructor: Peng Lin

  • 04/17 to 04/17  1 Math League Competition Event Thursday 5:05pm-5:45pm $10/contest in-personLocation: 16100 NW Cornell Road Suite 210 Room 4

    Math League is a Math competition for grades 3-12 students. It is held in the United States, Canada, and other countries. The competition consists of a timed multiple-choice test; the timing is such that to complete the test, students must work at a pace of one question per minute or faster.

    Math League expands on basic math concepts taught in schools by using more challenging questions and word problems, requiring students to use critical thinking to complete each question accurately and in a timely manner so that all questions can be finished in the allotted time, and because of this, the course is focused on strategies to quickly and accurately answer questions.

    Sunshine is hosting the Math League contest every year on Apr 15. The students scored 26 or above in the test will qualify for the Math League International Summer Program. You may check more information about the competition from the Math League official website:

    Instructor: Peng Lin

  • 04/17 to 04/17  1 Math League Competition Event Thursday 5:05pm-5:45pm $10/contest in-personLocation: 16100 NW Cornell Road Suite 210 Room 4

    Math League is a Math competition for grades 3-12 students. It is held in the United States, Canada, and other countries. The competition consists of a timed multiple-choice test; the timing is such that to complete the test, students must work at a pace of one question per minute or faster.

    Math League expands on basic math concepts taught in schools by using more challenging questions and word problems, requiring students to use critical thinking to complete each question accurately and in a timely manner so that all questions can be finished in the allotted time, and because of this, the course is focused on strategies to quickly and accurately answer questions.

    Sunshine is hosting the Math League contest every year on Apr 15. The students scored 26 or above in the test will qualify for the Math League International Summer Program. You may check more information about the competition from the Math League official website:

    Instructor: Peng Lin

  •  (waiting-list)

    11/15 to 04/18  4 ACSL Annual Contest Friday 5:15pm-6:00pm $60/4 tests  in the year of 2024-2025; Test dates are Nov 15, Jan `17, Feb 28, Apr 18Location: Online13

    American Computer Science League (, ACSL organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students. 

    The ACSL Elementary Division is for students from grades 4 to 6. It consists of 4 contests in a year. The contests scheduled for the 2024-2025 year at Sunshine Elite are as follows:

        Contest #1: Number Systems on Friday 5:15p,-6pm, November 15, 2024
        Contest #2: Prefix/Infix/PostFix Notation on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm, Jan 17, 2025
        Contest #3: Boolean Algebra on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm,  Feb 28, 2025
        Contest #4: Graph Theory on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm, Apr 18, 2025

    Note: All contests are proctoring virtual online by Sunshine Elite in the year of 2024-2025. Students who passed the cut-off score of all 4 contests will receive ACSL Final contest invitation emailed from May 1 through May 21, 2025. The ACSL Invitational Finals are scheduled on Saturday, May 24, 2025, proctoring virtual online by ACSL.

    The contests consist of non-programming problems in four categories, one each contest, will be tested. The contest consists of a 30-minute, 5-question test each month. The topics covered in 4 contests are Computer Number Systems, Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation, Boolean Algebra, and Graph Theory. You may check the ACSL website for the study material and the test samples here:

    Sunshine Elite also has the ACSL training classes to help students prepare for the contests which is aligning with the contest dates and topics. If you have questions or concerns about the contests, please contact Shilpa Sharma by Email:

    Instructor: Shilpa Sharma

  •  (waiting-list)

    11/15 to 04/18  4 ACSL Annual Contest Friday 5:15pm-6:00pm $60/4 tests  in the year of 2024-2025; Test dates are Nov 15, Jan 17, Feb 28, Apr 18Location: Online13

    American Computer Science League (, ACSL organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students. 

    The ACSL Elementary Division is for students from grades 4 to 6. It consists of 4 contests in a year. The contests scheduled for the 2024-2025 year at Sunshine Elite are as follows:

        Contest #1: Number Systems on Friday 5:15p,-6pm, November 15, 2024
        Contest #2: Prefix/Infix/PostFix Notation on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm, Jan 17, 2025
        Contest #3: Boolean Algebra on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm,  Feb 28, 2025
        Contest #4: Graph Theory on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm, Apr 18, 2025

    Note: All contests are proctoring virtual online by Sunshine Elite in the year of 2024-2025. Students who passed the cut-off score of all 4 contests will receive ACSL Final contest invitation emailed from May 1 through May 21, 2025. The ACSL Invitational Finals are scheduled on Saturday, May 24, 2025, proctoring virtual online by ACSL.

    The contests consist of non-programming problems in four categories, one each contest, will be tested. The contest consists of a 30-minute, 5-question test each month. The topics covered in 4 contests are Computer Number Systems, Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation, Boolean Algebra, and Graph Theory. You may check the ACSL website for the study material and the test samples here:

    Sunshine Elite also has the ACSL training classes to help students prepare for the contests which is aligning with the contest dates and topics. If you have questions or concerns about the contests, please contact Shilpa Sharma by Email:

    Instructor: Shilpa Sharma

  • 11/15 to 04/18  4 ACSL Annual Contest Friday 5:15pm-6:00pm $60/4 tests  in the year of 2024-2025; Test dates are Nov 15, Jan 17, Feb 28, Apr 18Location: Online13

    American Computer Science League (, ACSL organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students. 

    The ACSL Elementary Division is for students from grades 4 to 6. It consists of 4 contests in a year. The contests scheduled for the 2024-2025 year at Sunshine Elite are as follows:

        Contest #1: Number Systems on Friday 5:15p,-6pm, November 15, 2024
        Contest #2: Prefix/Infix/PostFix Notation on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm, Jan 17, 2025
        Contest #3: Boolean Algebra on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm,  Feb 28, 2025
        Contest #4: Graph Theory on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm, Apr 18, 2025

    Note: All contests are proctoring virtual online by Sunshine Elite in the year of 2024-2025. Students who passed the cut-off score of all 4 contests will receive ACSL Final contest invitation emailed from May 1 through May 21, 2025. The ACSL Invitational Finals are scheduled on Saturday, May 24, 2025, proctoring virtual online by ACSL.

    The contests consist of non-programming problems in four categories, one each contest, will be tested. The contest consists of a 30-minute, 5-question test each month. The topics covered in 4 contests are Computer Number Systems, Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation, Boolean Algebra, and Graph Theory. You may check the ACSL website for the study material and the test samples here:

    Sunshine Elite also has the ACSL training classes to help students prepare for the contests which is aligning with the contest dates and topics. If you have questions or concerns about the contests, please contact Shilpa Sharma by Email:

    Instructor: Shilpa Sharma

  • 12/07 to 03/22  4 ACSL Annual Contest Friday 5:15pm-6:00pm $60/4 tests  in the year of 2024-2025; Test dates are Nov 15, Jan 17, Feb 28, Apr 18Location: Online13

    American Computer Science League (, ACSL organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students. 

    The ACSL Junior Division is for students from grades 6 to 9. It consists of 4 contests in a year. 

    The contests scheduled for the 2024-2025 year at Sunshine Elite are as follows:

        Contest #1: Number Systems on Friday 5:15p,-6pm, November 15, 2024
        Contest #2: Prefix/Infix/PostFix Notation on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm, Jan 17, 2025
        Contest #3: Boolean Algebra on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm,  Feb 28, 2025
        Contest #4: Graph Theory on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm, Apr 18, 2025

    Note: All contests are proctoring virtual online by Sunshine Elite in the year of 2024-2025. Students who passed the cut-off score of all 4 contests will receive ACSL Final contest invitation emailed from May 1 through May 21, 2025. The ACSL Invitational Finals are scheduled on Saturday, May 24, 2025, proctoring virtual online by ACSL.

    Each contest in the Junior Division has two parts: a take-home 72-hour time limit programming problem and a set of short answer questions.  Each short answer test consists of 2 questions on each of the first two topics listed below and 1 question on the third topic for a total of 5 questions.  The time limit for the 5 question test is 30 minutes. 

    Below are the topics for each contest and the study material links:

    Contest #1 Computer Number Systems
    Recursive Functions
    What Does This Program Do? - Branching
    Contest #2 Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation
    Bit-String Flicking
    What Does This Program Do? - Loops
    Contest #3 Boolean Algebra
    Data Structures
    What Does This Program Do? - Arrays
    Contest #4 Graph Theory
    Digital Electronics
    What Does This Program Do? - Strings

     You may check the ACSL website for the study material and the test samples here:

    Sunshine Elite also has the ACSL training classes to help students prepare for the contests which is aligning with the contest dates and topics. If you have questions or concerns about the contests, please contact Shilpa Sharma by Email:

    Instructor: Shilpa Sharma

  •  (1 spot left)

    12/07 to 03/22  4 ACSL Annual Contest Friday 5:15pm-6:00pm $60/4 tests  in the year of 2024-2025; Test dates are Nov 15, Jan 17, Feb 28, Apr 18Location: Online13

    American Computer Science League (, ACSL organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students. 

    The ACSL Junior Division is for students from grades 6 to 9. It consists of 4 contests in a year. 

    The contests scheduled for the 2024-2025 year at Sunshine Elite are as follows:

        Contest #1: Number Systems on Friday 5:15p,-6pm, November 15, 2024
        Contest #2: Prefix/Infix/PostFix Notation on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm, Jan 17, 2025
        Contest #3: Boolean Algebra on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm,  Feb 28, 2025
        Contest #4: Graph Theory on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm, Apr 18, 2025

    Note: All contests are proctoring virtual online by Sunshine Elite in the year of 2024-2025. Students who passed the cut-off score of all 4 contests will receive ACSL Final contest invitation emailed from May 1 through May 21, 2025. The ACSL Invitational Finals are scheduled on Saturday, May 24, 2025, proctoring virtual online by ACSL.

    Each contest in the Junior Division has two parts: a take-home 72-hour time limit programming problem and a set of short answer questions.  Each short answer test consists of 2 questions on each of the first two topics listed below and 1 question on the third topic for a total of 5 questions.  The time limit for the 5 question test is 30 minutes. 

    Below are the topics for each contest and the study material links:

    Contest #1 Computer Number Systems
    Recursive Functions
    What Does This Program Do? - Branching
    Contest #2 Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation
    Bit-String Flicking
    What Does This Program Do? - Loops
    Contest #3 Boolean Algebra
    Data Structures
    What Does This Program Do? - Arrays
    Contest #4 Graph Theory
    Digital Electronics
    What Does This Program Do? - Strings

     You may check the ACSL website for the study material and the test samples here:

    Sunshine Elite also has the ACSL training classes to help students prepare for the contests which is aligning with the contest dates and topics. If you have questions or concerns about the contests, please contact Shilpa Sharma by Email:

    Instructor: Shilpa Sharma

  • 12/07 to 03/22  4 ACSL Annual Contest Friday 5:15pm-6:00pm $60/4 tests  in the year of 2024-2025; Test dates are Nov 15, Jan 17, Feb 28, Apr 18Location: Online13

    American Computer Science League (, ACSL organizes computer science contests and computer programming contests for elementary, junior, and senior high school students. 

    The ACSL Senior Division contest is the best for middle/high school students with programming experience, expecially those already taking and being good at ACSL Junior contests. ACSL Senior Division has 4 contests in a year. The contests scheduled for the 2024-2025 year at Sunshine Elite are as follows:

        Contest #1: Number Systems on Friday 5:15p,-6pm, November 15, 2024
        Contest #2: Prefix/Infix/PostFix Notation on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm, Jan 17, 2025
        Contest #3: Boolean Algebra on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm,  Feb 28, 2025
        Contest #4: Graph Theory on  Friday 5:15p,-6pm, Apr 18, 2025

    Note: All contests are proctoring virtual online by Sunshine Elite in the year of 2024-2025. Students who passed the cut-off score of all 4 contests will receive ACSL Final contest invitation emailed from May 1 through May 21, 2025. The ACSL Invitational Finals are scheduled on Saturday, May 24, 2025, proctoring virtual online by ACSL.

    Each contest consists of an online 30-minute, 5-question short answer test and an online programming problem to solve in 72 hours. The Short Problems topics are the same in the Intermediate and Senior Divisions. The Senior Division problems are more challenging than those in the Intermediate Division. Below are the topics for each contest and the study material links:

    Contest 1  

    Computer Number Systems   
    Recursive Functions 
    What Does This Program Do?

    Contest 2 

    Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation   
    Bit-String Flicking  

    Contest 3  

    Boolean Algebra   
    Data Structures  
    FSAs and Regular Expressions

    Contest 4  

    Graph Theory   
    Digital Electronics   
    Assembly Language

    You may check the ACSL website for the study material and the test samples here:

    Sunshine Elite also has the ACSL training classes to help students prepare for the contests which is aligning with the contest dates and topics. If you have questions or concerns about the contest, please contact Shilpa Sharma by Email:

    Instructor: Shilpa Sharma

  • Sunshine Enrichment Class Coupons
  • Sunshine Elite Education is closed on all major holidays.
  • Missing classes with notice can be made up by class replay for the online classes in current term.
  • Sunshine Elite Education private tutoring for SAT/Writing/Math is available upon request.
  • Sunshine Elite Education reserves the right to update or modify the class plan at any time with or without any further notice.